Sunday 25 April 2010

Thurgood Marshall - A Black Colored Legend

There are a number of legendary personalities who have come from the black community. When the whole black community was at stake due to the tremendous oppression by the white community, a number of national heroes were born to save the black colored people from the termination and destruction. The black community had no value in the society. They were compelled to do laymen's work without expecting the good wages. They were sold to rich businessmen or traders for higher amount and they were obliged to provide the free service to their masters.

King Luther was such a national hero whose heart ached for his black brothers and he started organizing the black colored people to unite for the revolution to secure their rights. However, there are other eminent political figures whose contribution to get the justice back to the black community is not negligible. However eventually after the Civil War, the slavery was stopped or banned or removed totally from the society. Thurgood Marshall is a black colored eminent scholar who has brightened the history of African Americans. If you review his biography, you will come to know that Thurgood was actually the son of a slave family. His forefathers were bonded laborers. However, his father was very good and conscious of the importance of the education.

Therefore, Thurgood was sent to school for getting qualitative education for the upgradation of his career in life. He was brilliant student and successfully completed his graduation from Howard University. He started his professional career as a lawyer. He has the brilliant performance track record. You will be surprised and enamored to check his performance graph. Marshall showed his expertise to fight against the indiscrimination and racial segregation. He is the representative of the black community. Marshal always tried to use his logistic aptitude to get victory over the racial segregation and color distinction. He won every case which he fought in the court to bring back the justice to the victims. He argued total 29 times and every time he was successful in getting legal victory. Thrugood Marshall became the chief council of NAACP.

You should remember the historical case proceeding which was Brown VS Board of Education. It was a severe legal battle to establish the civil rights in the schools where the black colored students were obstructed and prevented from meeting with white colored students. Thurgood Marshal was the lawyer on behalf of Brown and won the legal tussle. Finally, the school authority permitted the black boys to sit with white colored boys in the class and since then the racial segregation was eliminated from the education institutes. He studied lot to find out the possible ways to escalate the economic condition of the black community.

By Irsan Kao


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